Customization Services
We'll address your specific needs.
We'll customize and tailor your eSolve Office™ setup to meet the specific needs of your business.

Let us customize The eSolve Office™
to meet your needs.
About Our Customization Services
The advantage and key differentiator of “The eSolve Office™’ is that it is customizable and modular. Though offered as a web-based software subscription service, each organization gets a custom setup for its own use. This allows eSolve to customize and tailor each setup to meet the specific needs of the business. One-hour of customization and technical services is included free each month with a paid subscription.
Examples of customization include:
Website Integration - eSolve can alter and manage a businesses website to incorporate an interface for communications/helpdesk directly into “The eSolve Office™”.
Custom Themes: The overall “look and feel” of the application can be altered to match organizational websites and meet specific wording requirements and language needs.
Module Development: Custom modules for The eSolve Office™ can be designed and added to enhance and increase the value of the application to the needs of the business. Modules and functions not of value to the business or teams can also be removed.
Examples of customization include:
Website Integration - eSolve can alter and manage a businesses website to incorporate an interface for communications/helpdesk directly into “The eSolve Office™”.
Custom Themes: The overall “look and feel” of the application can be altered to match organizational websites and meet specific wording requirements and language needs.
Module Development: Custom modules for The eSolve Office™ can be designed and added to enhance and increase the value of the application to the needs of the business. Modules and functions not of value to the business or teams can also be removed.